Joyce Wheatley
Artist Statement
As an artist I have been continually fascinated by the endless possibilities that clay presents. This has made me an eclectic potter and late in focusing on a personal style. In working with the clay I try to capture that spontaneous instant when it does something magical and fresh. And when I do this then the piece has a vitality that a machine made pot never has. Born in Toronto, Canada; attended University of Toronto, majoring in philosophy and Oriental studies. Studied pottery under Chizuko Shimano, 1959-1962. Studied sumi-e at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, 1981-1983; awarded sumi-e seal, June 1984. Studied brush painting under Diana Kan, fall 1991. Received Sigmund Samuel Prize in East Asiatic Studies, University of Toronto, 1961 and 1962, won Best Ceramic award, 15th Annual Outdoor Art Exhibition, City Hall, Toronto 1976. Memberships; Fusion, Toronto Potters, Woodlawn Pottery Studio, Sumi-e Artists of Canada, Sogetsu (Toronto branch). Exhibited paintings at Columbus Centre, Etobicoke Civic Centre, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, John B. Aird Gallery, Latcham Gallery, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Visual Arts Centre of Northwest Florida, and elsewhere. Taught sumi-e at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre for seven years, pottery at Ikebana Workspace and at Woodlawn Pottery Studio. Has presented many workshops and demonstrations of pottery, sumi-e, gold leafing, and wet-mounting of paintings. Has contributed to the Canadian Oriental Brush Artists' Newsletter, Fusion Magazine, New Canadian, Sumi-e: A Quarterly of the Sumi-e Society of America, and other publications and served for three years as corresponding secretary and newsletter editor of the sumi-e Artists of Canada. Has many works in private collections in Bermuda, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. |